The cannabis plant thrives with varied active ingredients, notably THC or tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD or cannabidiol, naturally occurring cannabinoids that are the center of much research and clinical studies. THC branches off into different forms. Its primary is delta 9, often compared to the isomer delta 8. Open here for comparisons between delta 9 and delta 8.
Although the electrons are not precise, the molecular structure for the two is virtually the same, with comparable effects and properties, but not entirely.
In any event, both are finding favor with the consumer, albeit delta 9 THC edibles are doing so within federal guidelines and delta 8 is in the gray area. While THC is a cannabinoid with a long-standing history, the delta products on the market are relatively new.
Delta 9 THC edibles seem to have an edge on the competition. Let’s learn more about the compound and the products so those new to the market can make the most informed decisions.
What Is Delta 9
The cannabis plant naturally produces delta 9 referenced more commonly as THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. It is the primary form of the cannabinoid, with isomers like delta 8 and delta 10 presenting as other forms.
THC is the compound responsible for the intensive euphoria or the “classic high” when consuming marijuana or its derivatives. A few common effects of this indulgence include “memory impairment, elation, increased hunger, sleepiness, and laughter.”
With the 2018 Farm Bill, THC, when derived from hemp instead of the marijuana variant of the cannabis plant, was deemed a legal component to be used in products for manufacture and sale with the reasoning that the THC in hemp doesn’t rise above 0.3% (dry weight) naturally.
Any products on the market today considered federally legal, view edible products at Hifi Farms, are derived from hemp, and consist of a 0.3% THC level (dry weight.) These include edibles like gummies, oil tinctures, or vape products.
Despite THC deriving from hemp, the cannabinoid still presents as a psychoactive. That means if consumed above and beyond the manufacturer’s suggested doses, you will get high and experience the same sort of effects as if you consumed marijuana.
Does Potency Equate to Effectiveness With Cannabinoids
When engaging with hemp-based products, including cannabidiol or CBD products, delta 8 gummies, or delta 9 edibles, the consideration people factor into a purchase is the overall purity, potency, safety, and confirmation there are no harsh contaminants in the mix.
When indulging to improve self-care or wellness, presumed to be a majority of the consumers’ purposes, potency or the strength is a priority leading many users to believe anecdotally that a more potent product would have a more significant effect.
Of the three of these product options, the one that would present as the most potent would-be delta 9 THC. Still, it’s also psychoactive, potentially creating intoxication when taken in elevated doses. Go to to learn facts on THC overdose.
Delta 8 creates much reduced psychoactive results, and cannabidiol, or CBD, is non-intoxicating altogether. The results with CBD and delta 8 are no less effective but deem more subtle and gradual than the delta 9 edibles. But are people confusing psychoactive traits with benefits?
How Do You Dose Delta 9 Edibles
The idea is not to continue consuming delta 9 gummies until you become intoxicated. Intoxication doesn’t equate to a benefit for well-being. When indulging in THC derived from hemp for self-care and wellness, the precept is the same as it would be with all hemp-based products when dosing.
An initial dose should serve as a trial to recognize a sensitivity or intolerance. The priority when dosing is to give the active ingredients time to find their way to the bloodstream to create the desired response.
That’s not always immediate. In fact, with something you ingest, like edibles which could be cookies or candy, these are swallowed. They must navigate through the body to the digestive system through the liver and reach the bloodstream, perhaps roughly 90 minutes.
Gummies are a bit faster acting since these will begin to dissolve in your mouth, and the more you chew, the more that’s encouraged, allowing the product to find the bloodstream quicker, as soon as 30 minutes.
But before deciding to increase a dose, it’s essential to wait a sufficient time for the delta 9 THC to react.
When the dosage is increased, you only want to build up to an amount that gives you the desired wellness benefit. The objective isn’t intoxication since intoxication doesn’t equate to self-care or well-being.
Final Thought
The cannabis plant is distinct in its capacity for providing natural resources for the average person to purportedly and anecdotally benefit from. Many people report thriving from using cannabidiol or CBD preferring to avoid the potential for intoxicating effects.
Others are branching out to try Delta 8 THC, a milder form of a psychoactive that creates less intoxicating effects, albeit there are other concerns with Delta 8 and a gray area for its legality.
Delta 9 THC edibles are gaining favor, with many consumers who report preferring the potency over the more subtle, gradual approach of other cannabinoids.
Is the intensity the individuals realize with delta 9 THC creating a more powerful effect with self-care and wellness properties, or are people indulging in too much and confusing intoxication with benefits? It’s something to consider.