Diabetes is nothing new or anything that has not been heard of, I think it would not be wrong to say that each one of us knows at least one person in our close acquaintance or farther ones diagnosed with diabetes. I can bet you even know more than 1 but let’s just go on with one for now. The statistical analysis undertaken by the World Health Organisation (WHO) brings a really clear perspective of diabetes. According to the statistics it presented around 9 million people were diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes back in 2017 and taking into cognizance another statistics it has been seen that around 6.2 crore grown-up Indians were affected with diabetes. Diabetes however is no more limited to affecting grown ups in recent discoveries it was found that diabetes has also started affecting children.
The general physician in Nagpur suggests that possibilities are that you too are having type 2 diabetes. This anticipation is in line with the World Health Organization’S(WHO) study that showed that 5 in every 10 people have absolutely no idea that they have diabetes. It is because people are not properly acquainted with diabetes and they don’t know what are the general symptoms of diabetes and what causes it. Some of the major spottable symptoms include excessive urination, excess hunger and thirst, sudden unexplainable weight gain and weight loss, fatigue, difficulties in breathing among other symptoms.
Diabetes is the condition where either your pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin or your body fails to react properly to it. In either case your body lacks an essential hormone; Insulin which acts as a regulator of your blood sugar level, when the body ceases to either produce insulin or use it the sugar level in your blood increases.
There are 3 different types of diabetes that diabatic patients are diagnosed with, namely type 2 diabetes(or non-insulin-dependent, or adult-onset diabetes as it was formerly known), type 1 diabetes(insulin-dependent, juvenile or childhood-onset also it former name) and the Gestational diabetes. Type 2 diabetes as said earlier is the most common form of diabetes diagnosed humans are diagnosed with. Gestational diabetes is only recorded in pregnant women because of the secretion and production of insulin blocking hormones during pregnancy.
Changes that one can make in their daily routine that would help them maintain a healthy lifestyle
Leading a highly motivated sedentary lifestyle is one of the contributing attributes of diabetes it is to be noted that the human body relies heavily to the food and water you intake for its nourishment and hence it is important for you to understand how vital is it to consume healthy and nutritious food to keep your body healthy and in line. Following are a few healthy habits that you can adopt in your everyday routine that would help you live a healthy and diabetes free life.
1.Maintain a stronghold on your weight and keep monitoring it. Frequent engagement in physical activities like yoga and exercises would help you maintain a proper weight which would help you be in shape and also dodge diabetes to a greater extent.
- Eating vegetables and fruit is advisable and is vital because they are all rich in Vitamins, Minerals, and Roughage that our body demands for an effective metabolism.
- You most certainly need to avoid eating too much oily foods and junk foods as they put your health in jeopardy.
- Vina Bang a Nagpur based physician and diabetologist suggests that walking after having your meal helps in fast digestion and hence you must walk at least a 1000 steps after taking a meal and only then should you head to bed.