Building your own homemade bong may be the perfect solution for stoners who need a quick smoking device. This DIY smoking device can be a conversation starter at a party, and can be a practical solution when a bong is not available. It’s also an excellent way to experiment with different kinds of cannabis and provide a memorable demonstration for guests. The following steps will help you create your own bong. Read on for more information!
The central purpose of a bong is to cool smoke and filter it through water. A water pipe can filter out more cannabinoids than a blunt. However, the downside to this is that bongs can be pricey, ranging from $10 to thousands of dollars for an artisan piece. As such, consider making your own bong to save money. If you decide to make your own bong, consider using plastic materials. These materials are cheaper than glass and can last for a long time.
How To Make A Bong At Home:
- Your plastic bottle should be 1/4 full of water.
- To create the carb, use your pen to cut a tiny hole a few centimeters below the bottleneck.
- For your downstem, drill a new hole a little above the waterline.
- It’s now time to light up and enjoy while sucking through the plastic bottle’s top aperture.
For a refreshing alternative to water, add a cup of tea to the chamber. Cranberry juice is a natural acidic liquid that has a natural cleaning effect on glass, and can make a bong more appealing. Crushed ice is a great choice too, because it doesn’t overpower the bong’s taste. However, be sure to clean the chamber thoroughly after using iced tea. If you want to use tea instead, you’ll need to make sure that the contents are free of sugar before smoking.
Another great DIY bong method is to make a water bottle bong. For this, simply wrap a bottle cap with aluminum foil. Insert a small metal pen tip and light it. Then, inhale through the top. The water should bubble up in the water bowl, which will make it easy to see the flavor of your weed. It’s important to remember to always replace water after every smoking session, as water in a water pipe can cause mold growth.
If you’re not into alcohol, you can use ice water to make your Bong more palatable. The water will make the bong hit smoother and more enjoyable. Also, you can use flavored water or juice to add flavor to your bong. These are just some of the many ideas to create a unique homemade bong for your needs. There are many ways to create a homemade bong, so explore the possibilities and use your imagination.
While it may be hard to imagine building a homemade bong from glass, you can still create a beautiful and unique smoking accessory! If you are an artist, you can create a glass bong with glass blowing, a tried and tested method that’s still popular today. However, silicone and plastic are more durable options. Again, choose the material that’s best suited for you! You’ll be glad you did.
Besides making your own bong, you can use fruit as a temporary bowl. You can use an apple for a pipe. Simply puncture three holes in it and stick it to the joint. Then, just like a real bong, you’re ready to go! Just remember to use a small amount of water to help the herb diffuse and make the bong as enjoyable as possible. It’s really that easy!